Herbal apothecary:

Visit our shop for herbal medicines to support your herbalism journey. All of our sacred plant medicines are small-batch handcrafted from ethically, and mindfully harvested organic herbs.

Why Herbalism?

Cynthia is a Folk Herbalist and Plant Spirit Healer in the Wise Woman tradition of healing. She is a bridge between the plant and human realm.

As a Folk herbalist she is deeply connected to nature, the elements, the earth and the plants. Folk herbalists are Earth Tenders and can deeply listen & meditate with plant allies to receive messages on the best way to use them for healing.

Cynthia practices herbalism based on a love of nature and the earth as well as maintaining a deep reverence for the medicinal plants, always with an eye to make sure not to exploit them or over use any plants to the point that they become endangered or extinct.  

The Wise Woman tradition of healing is a term coined by Susun Weed. This tradition of healing is heart-centered healing, like chicken soup made for you when you’re sick by your grandmother. It is deep care and compassion. It is unique, like each individual person that gives & receives the healing.  

This tradition honors the ordinary and simple and accepts failure, chaos and the fact that healing is a spiral rather than a straight line. It can look different for each healer and recipient, yet it comes from deep love and respect for the earth, nature and ourselves. 

Cynthia is a graduate of the School of the Sacred Wild and has completed 2 years of training in Sacred Plant Medicine, Holistic Healing and Traditional Herbalism. As of 2024 Cynthia is studying Advanced Herbalism with her teacher Marysia Miernowska & the School of the Sacred Wild.

“Traditional Folk Herbalism is through observation of nature’s patterns, the inherent self-regulating systems of the body, which are acknowledged & supported.”
— the book Energetic Herbalism by Kat Maier

Illness and symptoms are accepted as a part of life and growth rather than something to be gotten rid of quickly or swept under the rug or have a band aid fix put over it. This tradition encourages us to work towards good health from the inside out and have great compassion and patience with ourselves. Deep healing begins with deep rest & compassion for ourselves.

The Wise Woman tradition is relevant to these times because we are needing a big reset from the current medical paradigm to a system where people can go back to trusting their own bodies, since we all unique & inherently know what is best for ourselves. 


For new clients!  
Please feel free to schedule a call to discuss how Cynthia can help you move forward on your healing journey.

Individual Herbal Consultation, Initial Session in person or via zoom:
Your individual herbal consultation is a deep dive beginning an ongoing partnership for profound health shifts. We will delve into your health history and goals. Cynthia will begin the session with a deep look to which elements in the body need more harmony and at plant remedies that will be uniquely healing for you. Together we will craft a custom herbal, nutritional & lifestyle protocol to support your well being from the inside out. This session includes a follow up e-mail detailing next steps & info on how to obtain the remedies suggested. This is not a one size fits all approach and will be uniquely tailored for you.

For in person sessions:

Location: North County Bodyworks, 1114 N. Coast Highway 101, Leucadia, CA 92024

60-minute consultation : $133

Individual Herbal Consultation, Follow up via zoom or phone:
30–60 days after individual herbal consultation.

30-minute consultation: $77

Herbal Healing Session in person or via zoom:
In this shorter session, we will hone into on one specific herb and ways to use it to bring balance and nourishment to the body. You will receive one plant ally to work with for 30 days. Please bring any questions or concerns related to physical issues, emotional imbalances and/or mental stressors.

30-minute session: $77

For in person sessions:

Location: North County Bodyworks, 1114 N. Coast Highway 101, Leucadia, CA 92024

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